Saturday, January 15, 2011



In education we often focus on the student-teacher aspect and forget about the important role of the parents. Parental involvement plays a huge factor on a child's learning.  By keeping the communication between parent and teacher open you will see positive results in parent respect and student performance.

The number one thing we hear teachers complain about is lack of parent involvement. Sometimes the reason for this may be due to the parents busy schedule or God forbid, lack of caring. However, more times then none a parent's lack of involvement is due to lack of knowledge. A parent simply doesn't know how to get involved with their child's education. There are many parents out there dealing with hectic schedules, but with organized communication they can say informed and active in their child's education.
Classroom Ideas
  1. Agenda Daily Signature
  2. Monthly News Letter/Emails
  3. Classroom Website 


In the classroom students are the main priority, their schooling is the whole point. If you aren't communicating with your students then they are not learning anything! Ways of best communication involve direct instruction, visual aids, established rules and clear explanations. During the day it is easy keep the communication between teacher and student by encouraging questions, discussions and critical thinking. Same goes for communication between two students. It is important to encourage outside communication between teachers and other classmates. Using technology is a great way to do this because it allows students to contact the teacher or other classmates about homework, activities and anything else that comes up.

Ways to stay Connected
  1. Blackboard discussion boards
  2. Calendar assignments and dates
  3. Student Email and phone number list

Websites to Help Parents & Students


It's graduation day. You're given teacher certification. You went through four years of learning everything you needed to know to prepare you to become a teacher. Now what? Does that mean that your good for life and never have to learn again? NO! New teaching styles, studies and research is coming out everyday! In order to be the best teachers we can be we need to keep networking. We can do this by staying up to date on new studies and trying new things inside the classroom. Professional development involves staying current in your content area and teacher organizations.

Tips To The Trade 
  1.  Attend workshops
  2. Blog with teachers across the world
  3. Sign up for monthly newsletters

Good communication is the true key to teaching.
These are just some ways to STAY INFORMED!

Happy Blogging! (:
 -Julie Mahoney

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